Wasp Removal in West Bridgford When it comes to wasp nest removal, West Bridgford homeowners and businesses alike want a rapid, effective and reliable service that
gets the job DONE . This is exactly
what you will get when you use Pulse Pest Control . Our expert team who provide wasp removal in West Bridgford have the experience and knowledge to ensure the finest insect control and
removal has to offer. Call us directly in Nottingham or Derby for a FREE quote NOW on 01158 229483 .
Wasp Removal Service Our affordable wasp removal service brings you
complete peace of mind, no matter how large the job in hand may be, in turn
helping your home or business premises to become a wasp-free zone in no time at
all. Whether you have a single nest in your loft or several nests in an office
block, you only need to make one call to eradicate the problem.
We are accredited, well-experienced specialists
who have been solving wasp related issues across West Bridgford and beyond for many
years. Many of our customers return and use our services because they have been
impressed with our performance with previous pest removal services. Pulse Pest
Control offers the very latest and state of the art techniques, accompanied by
good old fashioned standards of service, please feel free to give us a call in Derby and Nottingham on 01158 229483 . You can also take a look at our Facebook page which is updated on a regular basis.
How Do You Get Rid of Wasps?
1. Identify
The first thing to do is actually locate
the wasp nest and its pesky intruders. Our wasp nest removal team will
choose the most appropriate form of treatment for each individual circumstance.
We carry out a complete risk assessment before proceeding, with a real emphasis
on safety and protection.
2. Treat
We move onto the treatment stage. This
process involves the application of insecticide to the entrance of the wasp
nest, which will cause the inhabitants to defend the Queen. Wasps which have
been outside will return to the nest bringing the insecticide into the nest with
them. This rapid, effective treatment is completely safe to both pets and
3. Eradicate
Activity in and around the next will continue
right until the Queen has died, there will usually be no sign of movement
after about 5 hours. This is a quick, clean technique which has been used by
our experts for many years. Once the wasps have all been eradicated, it will
not be re-used by any wasps again.
Comprehensive Wasp Removal in West Bridgford When you first discover the presence of a
wasp nest in your home or business, it can sometimes be a distressing experience.
The initial thoughts are likely to be focussed on the safety of the family or your
staff, and that's why we offer a wasp removal in West Bridgford that's geared towards
complete peace of mind.
Call Pulse Pest and Insect Control for Wasp Removal in Derby and Nottingham on 01158 229483 .